Monday, September 10, 2012

First Day

Aloha! After an extended break from blogging here I am, back to update and enlighten after a productive summer of learning, working and growing. Translation: I was working my butt off this summer and had no time, patience or creativity left in body to blog.... :) The real truth comes out.  Here is a summary of my summer back home in good ole' Washington:

work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, play at the lake, work, work,work, work, work, work, work, work, camping/boating with Crandalls, work, work, work, work, work,  work, work, movie nights with the J's (John, Jackson, Josh) work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work,work, work, work, work, work, work,   20th Birthday,work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, Leave for Hawaii!!

So that brings us to today! First Day of school and my new University, Brigham Young University Hawaii
                 Here's a picture of my lovely campus for you all to look at in jealousy...
That's right, I go here ;) 
I guess I wont mention also that the beach is about 2 blocks away from campus...

I can tell you that all day, as I walked about campus among classmates and friends, I felt an overwhelming feeling of peace and belonging, a feeling I had yet to achieve since moving to Laie last August. I finally felt that I had achieved my  goal and could proudly say I was a BYU-H student that belonged in class, had earned my spot there and was going to do great things at this school. And I felt this way because I knew it was true! No more convincing myself that I was not some awkward outsider wandering around campus. I belonged!

Please excuse the lame "myspace-esque" picture for my first day outfit, a tradition in my family since kindergarten:

Needless to say I had a great, busy, slightly hectic, blur of a day. But I honestly loved every single moment of it. Being a student again is a great feeling and knowing that I worked and suffered to get that point made it that much sweeter.

 I'm so looking forward to this new and exciting time in my life, and I hope I can turn over a new leaf in my academic career as I strive to study harder, dig deeper and be the good-grade-earning student I know I can be :)