I have neglected you blog. I'm truly sorry. But you know what, i was busy. Can you handle the truth? Ok, I was having too much fun with my new friends to sit down and write! Can you blame me? So now the semester is almost through, a few more weeks till Christmas break. I think i'm going to recap the things i've learned this semester:
1. Its ok to not eat like a queen every night. You will not starve.
2. In high school it was all about having a cool car. Simply having a bike now is stinking amazing!
3. Getting letters from missionaries, friends and family is like mini Christmas. Also, packages rock.
4. Sharing is caring. Don't be stingy.
5. Learning to sleep with the light on is a skill everyone should master. My roommate studies a lot.
6. Don't let your feelings get hurt by someone you barely know. Give them the benefit of the doubt
7. Understand that people are not always right and your opinion is valid no matter what.
8. People are going to use you and forget about you. Don't let it ruin your spirit and ability to care.
9. Share your talents! Show off a little!
10. Strive to create lasting bonds with those who understand you the best. They are worth the effort!
Hope that wasn't filled with as many trite phrases and cliches as I thought it was...